LGBTQ conception, pregnancy, childbirth and parenting

See Maia Midwifery & Fertility Services‘ support groups and classes offerings. Most are held on zoom.

Our Executive Director, Alice Ruby, will be speaking at the Talking with kids about donor conception session. Sign up here

Queer birthing education

Embodied Birth offers regularly occurring online classes with a focus on affirming all genders and family structures.

Kids ages 8+ who have one or more LGBTQ+ parents

COLAGE Peer Support Groups Variety of options for a variety of families.

LGBTQ families

Our Family Coalition advances equity for the full and expanding spectrum of LGBTQ families and children through support, education, and advocacy: workshops, support groups, play groups, and other resources. Periodic legal resource clinics to establish parentage protections

Legal parentage: wondering how to legally protect your LGBTQ+ family?

Guides for donor-conceived people/people with LGBTQ+ parents

COLAGE has updated, downloadable guides created by and for people with LGBTQ+ parents: Donor Conceived Guide and People with Trans Parents Guide.

LGBTQ Family Building: A Guide for Prospective Parents

Goldberg, Abbie. American Psychological Association (APA) 2022. This book provides LGBTQ+ parents and prospective parents with the detailed, evidence‑based knowledge they need to navigate the transition to parenthood, and help their children thrive.

Queer Conception : The Complete Fertility Guide for Queer and Trans Parents-To-Be

Kali, Kristin L. Sasquatch Books, 2022. Fertility guide for LGBTQ+ and single people interested in creating family through pregnancy. Evidence-based, written by an experienced health care provider.

Queer parent perspective

What does it is mean to be an LGBTQ parent planning a family? What does it mean for donor-conceived people (as kids and as adults) to grow up in queer families? Here is a parent’s perspective.

DC dad & openness

Vince Londini: Father of three children conceived by donor conception. Vince provides an important voice not heard enough in the media. See his commentary on openness in families with donor origins.

DC adults speak

Good Morning America talks with LGBTQ+ families

Podcast Dibs: Welcome to the Family. Hear what it’s like to come from a family created with the assistance of a sperm donor. Interviewer Aiden Wood talks with people who have a donor (some who share her donor!) and others from the world of donor-assisted family building.

Requests from individuals and organizations outside TSBC

None at this time

The Sperm Bank of California is committed to the health, safety and wellbeing of all in our community.  We will continue to follow all federal, state, and city health related recommendations regarding COVID precautions for our visitors and staff, and for handling all sperm stored in our facility.  We continue to require masking at our facility and ask that anyone who may have COVID reschedule any in-person appointments.

We are a small nonprofit organization and appreciate your patience with delays that may be caused by the COVID pandemic.  We continue to experience more shipping delays and supply chain issues than prior to 2020.